Date: 18/09/2018 08:00:38
From: roughbarked
ID: 1277691
Subject: re: September 2018 Chat

trichome said:

roughbarked said:

man from ironbark said:
I live in what is both a desperately arid clime which is also an irrigated paradise, for some.
Most of my life has been about conserving water whilst others slosh it wherever it will make them dinero.

Hence despite the fact that I earned my living from an agricultural environment, I was practising Xeriscaping long before I knew there was a word Xeri/Xero scape.
It wasn’t because I was totally dissimilar with attempts at Latin.
Anyway, My garden consists of watering veges and fruit and nut trees and native plants that require little or no water after establishment.
I have been known to say that if it isn’t for food and even then, you should try a native.

If you look closely, there is no shortage of flowers.

The strap leaved plant(Dianella) will a little later do this:

Even though you may have to look to see it.

some nice photos there :)

Simply my humble garden. :)

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