Date: 17/01/2019 07:19:51
From: roughbarked
ID: 1331374
Subject: re: lawn overgrowing: manual weeding or a better solution?

Many people control kikuyu with glyphosate though I don’t recommend this practice. By spraying glyphosate, some always lands on the soil or teh mulch. As glyphosate is systemic and needs to travel through a plants vascular system to biodegrade, any sprayed on soil or dead matter becomes a residual concentrate which can be damaging to health of all plants humans and soil life plus runoff into streams is also problematic. My solution is not to use kikuyu though on a rental property this cannot be done wthout specific permission of the land owner. My mother’s yard was completely taken over by kikuyu from the next door neighbours. I covered it all with sheets of newspaper and covered that with a thick layer of grape marc. Only ever saw a few bits of kike around the edges of the covered areas, which once removed were the last of it.

If using glyphosate use a wand and wipe it on.
Kerosene kills the grass in carrot seeding beds but I wouldn’t advise this for situations including plants other than carrots if you want to keep those plants.
There are products that only kill monocots;

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