sarahs mum said:
Jeremy Campbell
Hi Ros Meeker, this has been a thing for you for quite a few years now. I’m not across the details but I don’t doubt for a minute that this card has horrendous consequences for the poor bastards who get put on it. But for mine it is just more shit from centrelink. I’m thinking Robodebt but also the treatment I got when I tried to deal with them regarding my mothers aged pension. I was literally told that they wouldn’t talk to or listen to me and that they wouldn’t listen to my mother. We walked out, and the cunt from centrelink was shocked that we did. They think they have you by the short and curlies, so resistance is not expected. I am on the record that I will top myself before I ever get to the point where I would have to ask centrelink for anything. You might hate Dutton, but Labor’s social security safety net is just as fucking bad. Broaden your campaign!
Ros Meeker
This ceased ‘to be a thing for me’ when its death was prioritised by this govt. I am sorry Centrelink did not meet your expectations. You could have complained through channels. And as I said this is my first rant. You can choose to read on..or not.
The bots always do this stuff though, “each way is just as bad”, “what about”, “hey look at this shiny”, “we agree to please spend all yours time telling us more instead of doing something useful”, some content streams are ridiculous and we don’t have a ready solution.
that’s my ex brother in law. I let him stay in my living room for four months once.