1. The eating of only one kind of food.
2. The act of eating alone.
From Greek mono- (one) + -phagy (eating). Earliest documented use: 1625.
“I feel your pain, but monophagy isn’t a diet that anyone is recommending. … Mike Roman, from Hackensack, New Jersey, says he has eaten a plain cheese pizza for dinner every night for the past 37 years, since he was four.”
That’s Monophagous: the Woman Who Drinks Nothing but Pepsi and Has Done for the Past 64 Years; The Guardian (London, UK); Oct 16, 2018.
“Monophagy makes a man melancholy and unsocial. … If a man dines alone, and has a good dinner, how can he praise it properly if he does not praise it on the spot.”
George Webbe Dasent; Three to One, Vol. 2; Chapman and Hall; 1872.