Date: 27/06/2017 20:31:54
From: Tau.Neutrino
ID: 1083608
Subject: This brown dwarf used to be inside its white dwarf companion.

This brown dwarf used to be inside its white dwarf companion.

About 2,700 light years away from Earth, an incredibly rare event is occurring: a white dwarf and brown dwarf are closely orbiting each other in less than an hour and a half.


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Date: 27/06/2017 22:02:23
From: mollwollfumble
ID: 1083646
Subject: re: This brown dwarf used to be inside its white dwarf companion.

> Astronomers believe the brown dwarf was inside WD1202 about 50 million years ago when WD 1202 expanded to become a red giant, becoming bigger than the brown dwarf’s orbital distance and engulfing the entire brown dwarf. But the brown dwarf survived when the density of the gas in the red giant’s outer layers dropped while it expanded, saving the brown dwarf from becoming so hot that it shrunk its orbit.


> The brown dwarf is orbiting so closely to WD 1202 that it’s slowly getting drawn into its host star. Astronomers believe in about 250 million years the brown dwarf will get so close that the white dwarf’s gravity will draw material from the brown dwarf and eventually end up a type 1a supernova — when there’s enough material mixed with intense gravity and the white dwarf will go through sudden catastrophic fusion and explode with a flare in brightness over the system

And Wow again.

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Date: 27/06/2017 22:34:48
From: mollwollfumble
ID: 1083670
Subject: re: This brown dwarf used to be inside its white dwarf companion.

Checking technical article. It will not go supernova 1a in 250 million years. That’s the time for it to start going Nova, as a classical “cataclysmic variable”.

The technical article doesn’t mention supernova at all.

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