Date: 6/07/2018 06:27:51
From: Bubblecar
ID: 1248987
Subject: Animation Shows Planet-Wide Martian Dust Storm

A good illustration of the effects of the dust storm raging on Mars. NASA is still optimistic that the Opportunity rover will be able to ride out the storm and recharge.

> If you have a hard time visualizing a planet-wide dust storm on Mars, take a look at this.

Astrophotographer Damian Peach created an animation showing the dramatic effects of the global dust storm that has plunged the Martian surface deep into darkness.

“The animation was created using my image from June 28th taken from Chile using a 1-meter telescope and the MGS basemap of the exact same longitude,” Peach told via email. (MGS is NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, which studied the Red Planet from orbit from 1997 to 2006.)

Full report

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Date: 6/07/2018 07:43:44
From: mollwollfumble
ID: 1248997
Subject: re: Animation Shows Planet-Wide Martian Dust Storm

The storm started locally, which isn’t shown clearly in the animation.

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